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Unicorn Popcorn Mix

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Product Details

4 cup bag of pretty, unicorn inspired colors are combined in this fun colorful mix. Each bag is filled with the following colors/flavors -Grape(purple), Cotton Candy (pink), Coconut (light blue) and White (vanilla).

• Made in United States • Contains: Soy • Ingredients: Popcorn, Sugar, Corn Syrup Solid, Stearine, Soy Lecithin, Cream of Tartar, Water, Dextrose, Artificial Flavor, Artificial Flavoring, Liquid Whitener, Xanthan Gum, Citric Acid, Potassium, Sorbate, Carrageenan, Corn Oil, Yellow #5, Red #3, Blue #1, Red #40, Contains SOY. • Product Language: English • Shelf life: 3–6 months • Storage: Shelf-stable • Weight: 9.6 oz (272.16 g) • Dimensions: 9 x 8 x 3 in (22.9 x 20.3 x 7.6 cm)) Vegan – Gluten Free

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