We handle all outgoing mail for the magical community! Place requests for personalized greeting letters from Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, Cupid, the Tooth Fairy, the Wizarding World, and more! Our catalog will load below:
My husband hand drew this Jeannie valentine for me and I offer it here to you as a pdf file. There are 4 valentines on the page so you would just need to make 8 color copies for an entire classroom. We printed ours on a color laserjet (vs. an inkjet) and they came out really pretty and glossy. Each measures approximately 4.25 x 3.75 inches when cut, and will fit inside an A2 envelope if you wish. Once you download the files, just print as many as you need on to white cardstock. Then hand cut around them. Address each and tape a lollipop to the back and you're good to go. If you don't have a color printer, you may take the files to a place like Kinko's, Office Max, or Staples and ask them to color photocopy them onto cardstock for you. For a class of 32 children, you would only need 8 copies of the page. *By purchasing this item you agree to use it only for private use. Commercial use, selling or sharing this design, or offering it online is not permitted. Thanks!
You may place orders going to the United States (& Territories), Mexico, and Canada using this site. We will ship everywhere else through our Etsy shop. They will automatically collect VAT & GST for you. Bottled sodas and tarot readings are currently only available to in person customers in Fairfield, CA.