We handle all outgoing mail for the magical community! Place requests for personalized greeting letters from Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, Cupid, the Tooth Fairy, the Wizarding World, and more! Our catalog will load below:
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Since 1374, the Flying Cauldron has been making this magical brew for under aged wizards and wizards who are young at heart at their brew pub in Hogsbreath England. The recipe has changed little over the centuries. It has the perfect combination of spells and quality natural ingredients. It continues to be prized for its creamy vanilla and butterscotch flavors. Non-Alcoholic. Price is for each 12 oz. bottle.
*Please note that this item is pick up only in Fairfield, California.
You may place orders going to the United States (& Territories), Mexico, and Canada using this site. We will ship everywhere else through our Etsy shop. They will automatically collect VAT & GST for you. Bottled sodas and tarot readings are currently only available to in person customers in Fairfield, CA.