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A Christmas Story Orphan Annie Replica Decoder Pin

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Product Details

For fans of both the film, A Christmas Story, and the radio show, Orphan Annie, we bring you this personalized letter and decoder pin.

Both the letter and envelope are printed on aged parchment. The letter measures 6.5 x 9.5 inches. The A6 envelope measures 6.5 x 4.75 inches. The replica decoder pin measures 1.5 inches in diameter.

Annie's signature is printed by computer, but Pierre Andre's we sign "in ink" just like Ralphie Parker commented on in the movie.

You may listen to the old Orphan Annie radio shows online or there are companies that sell them on mp3 and cd. Each show will have something for you to decode with your pin.

*The deluxe set includes a small reproduction photocopy of the Secret Society Book that was issued in 1935. Booklet measures 3.5 x 5.25 inches approximately.

*The "Pin Only" option does not include the letter or booklet. You will receive the pin alone.

If you prefer a replica instead of a personalized letter, you may type "Replica" in the box. For the replica we use this information:

Ralph Parker

413 Cleveland Street

Hohman, Indiana 46320

(If you want to change any of the above, instead of typing "Replica" in the box, please type out the full information you'd like for Ralph.)

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